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📄 Letter to Ann Best, Sep 1 1870

A letter addressed to Ann Best (1848-1933) in 1870. A rather rambling discourse on religion. The mention of "my class" suggests that the sender was associated with Ann's church before moving out of town.

Catskill Sept 1st 1870

Miss Annie Best

Dear Friend

I have just finished a letter to my class, but am in addition impelled to send you a word of greeting, of cheer, of counsel; and though I know that what I have to say to you might be much better said, yet I am sure that this expression of my remembrance of, and continued interest in you, will be kindly received and fully appreciated. when, from this home among the hills, my mind turns city-ward it finds its most congenial resting-place in the centre of my class. As in days past so now I scan each face in search of some expression of heart interest in Christ, and while I find in each sufficient encouragement to hopeful prayer, in yours I find, unless I misinterpret it, a longing after Jesus and I reproach myself for not having made opportunities outside of our regular class gatherings, to speak to you of, and pray with you to Him.

Yet I take much comfort from the believe, I had almost written appearance, that you are seeking Jesus. Oh let the tears which fill your eyes at the mention of His name, flow freely as you kneel at His feet, an earnest supplicant for His favour, and though for a time you should find no comfort, but rather an increase of trouble, do not be discouraged, though veiling His face from you, God should only give you a clear view of your own unworthiness, and loftier glimpses of His holiness, take encouragement to perseverance, if you cannot take comfort from the similar experiences of others, and still cry to Him. He hears. He will unreadable and when at last Jesus, the Son of Righteousness unreadable on your soul, unreadable all glorious in holiness and love. His countenance beaming on you with unreadable radiance, the tears no doubt will still flow, but the bitterness gone each drop will radiate the happenings of a soul at peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Then you will have left unreadable behind, and, unreadable in unreadable, you will drink freely of the sweet water that bubbles bountifully from the wells of salvation.

For counsel, I would say to you beware in your approaches to the mercy-seat of seeking acceptance on your own merits; with the Devil's help we are all apt to feel somewhat meritorious at times. Do you weep bitterly because of your sins? The Enemy whispers-- good girl, now be comforted for you have shown by your tears how sincerely you desier to be pure in heart. Have you just poured out your heart to God with a greater intensity of desire for acceptance than usual? He pats you on the back as it were with a whispered Well done. Such unreadable must command attention, and so on through all our stirrings. He is a most persistent and deadly flatterer, constantly alert to tickle our vanity and self-concit. Life the fly which as I write persists in alighting on one particular spot. I drive him off but before my hand is still from the effort he is there again, and no matter how often I dislodge him he with irritating swiftness and precision regains his position. Now in the case of the fly we may conclude to submit quietly to his bite, and let him go when he is ready, but in the other case to yield is death to our hopes of salvation, for the poison of his bite, rankles in the heart, and each victory gained by him is but the precursor of a more daring attack, so that you see that our spiritual as our unreadable liberty can be maintained only by constant vigilance. Not our tear, not our prayers, not our faithfulness, but the righteousness of Christ awaits us, and however deformed by sin our souls may be we are welcome to hide all our deformities in Jesus, so that God our Father, beholding us clothes in our Redeemer & righteousness, says to us as to Him, Behold thou art all fair, my love.

Without any effory at self-purification then, Annie go as you are to the Lord Jesus, open to Him your heart, tell Him all your sins, shortcomings, hopes, fears. Consider nothing which interests you too trivial to lay before Him. Have no secret which you would withhold from Him, but in audible words tell all. and may the comforter which is the Holy Ghost be your unreadable and teacher and the blood of Jesus cleanse you from all sin is the parting prayer of Yours in Christ Thomas Bell. Write to me, please.
